Freelance Artist and Graphic Designer
The kind of art I make
Watercolors have been my focus, but I'm also getting into sticker design, both printing and cutting beautiful vinyl with my cricut. For years I wanted to make cake boxes for markets, where I sell my art, and after a year of carefully designing, tweaking, and putting together demos-- I finally finished the design, and got to have mystery cake boxes for sale at Pride this last year. (2023) (our slogan was "I'm ace and I like cake, so I brought cake!") Given how well they sold, I plan to make them a staple for markets, and will be doing more unique mystery boxes this year. I love designing unique packaging for products, and have been extremely excited to use my cricut to create more intricate and unique ones-- and have finally figured out how to market them properly! Since I'm selling my mom's artwork and we're collaborating on pieces, I'll also be making mystery boxes with glass work, in addition to my own work. This year I'll be putting more focus on selling and marketing my mom's glasswork, and putting together a website for her art, my partner's art, and my own-- specifically for selling.
The LGBTQ+ community has inspired a lot of my artwork; and although I was hesitant about having it for sale at the Holiday Market my partner and I do every year, we encountered countless members of the community and wonderful allies who loved and bought the artwork! So, I'll be doing more pride focused art this year, including making some of the mystery boxes pride themed.
(Note about images below: I'll post better images later, they look cooler at different angles)

Social Media
Back in 2020/2021, I posted my art on social media regularly, made art constantly, posted ads for my work (too poor to pay for many ads, so they were mostly just posts with my rates), and it was a ton of work for little to no reward; and that was heartbreaking. To make it worse, the algorithms were absolutely horrible for my mental health. Hence, I'm not active on social media anymore, aside from Discord. I'll respond to DMs/tags, occasionally checking in on Instagram, and I will be making the occasional post/ad over this year (probably), but I won't be posting on a regular schedule on any platform.
However; I am putting together a newsletter! Each month I'll be emailing out updates on my artwork to those on my list; so if you want to be up to date on the progress of my art, shoot me an email through the "contact" page!